
Joshua McKenty

I work on both open source and commercial software. I can probably attribute this socialist/capitalist mix to my dual American/Canadian citizenship, but I’m not that fond of introspection.

I am a cofounder of OpenStack.

The longer stories have been told repeatedly, but suffice it to say that some mix of Jesse Andrews, Chris C. Kemp, Devin Carlen, Vishvananda Ishaya, Soo Choi, Andy Smith, Manesh Singh and myself ought to be held responsible for the release of “nova”, while we were all affiliated with the NASA Ames Research Center.

I am the cofounder of Piston Cloud Computing, Inc., the first commercial provider of a supported OpenStack software product.

In prior lives, I worked on the Netscape Browser, and the [Flock Browser](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flock_(web_browser).

I had a brief stint at Tapulous, right around the time of the Apple iPhone App Store launch.

I also founded BountyUp, Natel Canada and BuyLatr, none of which had terribly notable exits.

Most of my open source work is available online on github.


I currently sit as an elected Gold Member director on the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors. In that capacity, I am the co-chair of the DefCore committee (along with Rob Hirschfeld). I was also the founding chair of the (now-defunct) Transparency Working Group.

I am an appointed member of the Cloud Foundry Advisory Board.

I am also an appointed member of the Open Contrail Advisory Board.

Social Media

I don’t blog all that often.


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